Monday, October 02, 2006

Young Diabetologists Forum Survey

Young Diabetologists Forum

Dear colleague,

We would like to draw your attention to an online survey being done solely amongst Diabetes SpRs- related to topics most likely to affect us all. It is anonymised and shouldn’t take more than 5-10 minutes to fill out. There have been no such previous surveys and it would also possibly help to gain some idea about the concerns etc amongst the present group of SpRs across the country.

We have been asked to present the results of the survey at next years Diabetes UK APC scheduled for March 2007-which hopefully will stimulate some debate.

The weblink for the survey is here (check your email or contact Dr Partha Kar for the username and password). You are also welcome to have a look at the results in so far!

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the Young Diabetologists Forum (YDF)- which is a forum for Specialist Registrars & Junior Consultants involved in Diabetes who are members of Diabetes UK. The Forum exists under the auspices of the Professional Advisory Council of Diabetes UK and supports the interests of junior doctors who are involved in any aspect of diabetes care or research. We have recently also set up a discussion forum on our website.

For further information, please visit our website where a new addition has been the addition of a discussion forum

We have an Annual Training day (free for participants)-, which occurs the day before the Annual Conference of Diabetes UK. Registration at this meeting has continued to grow and our recently concluded 5th Annual Conference in Birmingham saw more than 100 Specialist Registrars attend this event.

We look forward to organizing the 6th Annual conference in Glasgow on the 13th March 2007. Accommodation for this, along with Diabetes UK APC (14th – 16th March 2007) will be free - as has been over the last 5 years.

Information regarding registering etc will be posted on the website shortly and all members will be sent an email as well.

If you have any difficulties about this or have any questions, please contact me at Dr Partha Kar

Thanking you all in anticipation and hope to meet you all soon!


Dr Partha Kar (Chair)
On behalf of the YDF Committee


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