3rd EUGOGO International Teaching Course on Graves' Orbitopathy

3rd EUGOGO International Teaching Course
On Graves’ Orbitopathy
September 28 – 30, 2007
Organized and chaired by:
Department of Ophthalmology
Gutenberg-University, Mainz, and the
European Group on Graves’ Orbitopathy
Satellite Symposium of the Annual Meeting of the German Society of Ophthalmology, Berlin, Germany, September 2007
European Thyroid Association
Friday September 28, 2007
Glaucoma and orbitopathy (GO): common pathology?
Sicca syndrome in GO: a mandatory feature of GO?
Ocular myasthenia and GO: immunological cross-reaction?
Orbital irradiation in GO: past, present, and future
Orbital decompression in GO: the ENT perspective
Get together
Saturday September 29, 2007
Thyroid and eye in Graves’ disease: the still missing link?
Clinical manifestation of GO: assessment of activity
Assessment of severity and of optic neuropathy
Assessment of motility disturbances
Differential diagnosis of GO
Rounds with patients including live demonstrations
Multicenter interdisciplinary discussion of index cases
Surgical techniques in GO: video projections + interactive discussion
Thyroidology for ophthalmologists; Ophthalmology for thyroidologists
Sunday September 30, 2007
Epidemiology of GO and natural course
Pathogenesis of GO
Management of hyperthyroidism and its impact on the eye
Thyroid eye clinics and assessment of quality of life in GO
Prevention of GO
Actual medical management of GO
New drugs for GO
Rehabilitative management: State of the art
Round table discussion and summary
PD Dr Susanne Pitz
Department of Ophthalmology
Prof Dr George J Kahaly
Department of Medicine
Fax (phone) + 49 6131/17-34 60 (17-37 68)
Administrative Secretariat
Organization, registration and information requests:
Mrs Marlene Maser-Wahle
Department of Ophthalmology
Fax (phone) + 49 6131/17-55 09 (17-36 92)
Department of Ophthalmology
Johannes Gutenberg-University
Langenbeckstrasse 1
55129 Mainz
Registration fees: Euro 300
Fees include the brand new EUGOGO book on Graves’ orbitopathy, the Get Together and the Dinner, as well as all lunch and coffee breaks. The number of participants will be limited to 150; they will be accepted on the first come first served basis of payment.
Send us a fax or an e-mail with your name, address and fax or email address. Subsequently you will receive further information concerning the 3rd EUGOGO International Teaching Course on Graves’ Orbitopathy (30 CME expected)
PS.: please bring your own case for presentation
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