NRDSAG & Diabetes Audit meeting - 2nd October 2007
and Diabetes Audit meeting will take place on the afternoon of
Tuesday October 2nd 2007 at Lumley Castle
After lots of excellent feedback from many people Narayanan and I
have finalised one or two changes in the format for this afternoon:
We have changed from a Wednesday afternoon as we appreciate that was
difficult for a number of people. We would intend to rotate the
timings of this meeting throughout the week in the future.
The NRDSAG 'business' meeting will start at 1.00 (lunch at 12.30)
The audit meeting will start at 2.00 but will last until approximately
6.00pm. We will attempt to combine the regional data reporting and
local audits into the session.
In October the regional data will be themed to focus on footcare and
involving patients in their care. Any local audits submitted and
accepted on similar subjects will be presented together and there will
be a opportunity to discuss what the implications of these audits are
to our practice regionally. We would therefore encourage good quality
audits on these themes.
There will also be opportunity to present audits on other issues
relating to diabetes, as previously.
We hope this format will allow the usual stimulating discussions and
add greater opportunity to reflect on the significance and
implications to clinical practice.
As usual, Narayanan will be in touch for people to submit local
audits shortly.
If anyone is interested in being involved in analysing the regional
data on the above themes, please let me know.
Once again, there may be many people not currently on this
distribution list who may be interested in attending, particularly
from the diabetes teams or primary care. Please forward this email
onto anyone you feel may wish to know about it.
I hope you feel the suggested changes are appropriate and that you
will continue to support these meetings. Please feel free to get in
touch with either Narayanan or myself if you have any questions or
suggestions. Your feedback and input is vital to making sure these
meetings are of value to our clinical practice.
For your information, the minutes of the last NRDSAG meeting are attached.
All the best
Dr Simon Eaton
Minutes of NRDSAG Meeting on 16th May at Collingwood College, Durham
Present: Simon Eaton (Chair), Margaret Kerrison, Margaret Hunter, K R
Narayanan, John Parr, Terry Aspray, Reena Thomas, Matthew Hackett,
Linda Woods, Karen Jones
Apologies: Sally Marshall, Tim Butler, Rudy Bilous, Nick
Lewis-Barned, Stuart Bennett, Michelle Greenwood, Kate Latham, Tim
Butler, Jean McLeod, Roy Taylor, Jola Weaver
Previous minutes - accepted
Diabetes UK
MH highlighted that the regional members of the Board of Trustees
and Professional Advisory Council continue to meet twice a year. LW
pointed out that there are 2 vacancies for lay membership on the
PAC. Please ask any interested parties to contact her for further
MH fed back the interesting group being done by the Diabetes
Reference Group, of which she had been a member. Whilst many issues
were recurrent themes, she felt that the structure of the group was
more likely to result in change. MH may bring back further feedback
to the next meeting
Psychology workshops
SE had emailed all SpRs to gauge interest in a course on
consultation skills with only 4 replies (1 positive, 3 very
positive) This was insufficient to justify running course. He will
raise it at Trainees meeting.
Many people, particularly MH and LW, raised ongoing need for people
with diabetes. This is also evident from the Healthcare Commission
survey. Partly this reflected need for moe psychology support and
partly a need for upskilling of diabetes professionals to be able
to offer more support or better consultations to patients. There is
no region why training can't be arranged for Consultant's or other
diabetes professionals as long as there is sufficient interest.
Future role of NRDSAG
JP gave an overview of the history of the NRDSAG. It is now 20
years old. It has had many different focuses in the past.
It was agreed that there is ongoing value in this group and it
should continue. Consideration of the diabetes information review
was accepted as an appropriate focus for the next few meetings.
Diabetes Information Review
SE presented an introduction to the report (previously circulated).
The focus of the report is on constructive reflection towards
improving the quality of diabetes care at a local (or regional)
Discussion of the data focussed on prescribing costs, prevalence
and foot care.
TA acknowledged various limitations of the data. The differences in
undiagnosed diabetes may mean differences in the numbers of "early"
diabetes that may be treated with diet and therefore incur less
costs. SE reinforced the importance of clinicians engaging with the
data for exactly these reasons, and the value of triangulating with
other data sources and what you know about your service.
Future meetings
There have been a number of suggestions about format and timings of
future meetings, which were briefly discussed. This would be
finalised after further discussion and consideration.
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