Sunday, June 29, 2008

NEERAG 26 November 2008

date for your diary-NERRAG annual meeting, 26th November 2008, Lumley Castle, Chester-le-Street, County Durham, 1400-1830
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS-deadline 30th September 2008
Dear Colleague,
The 15th annual meeting of NERRAG is due to take place at this pleasant hotel. We are pleased to announce an update on calcium to be delivered by Professor Simon Pearce and an update on hypogonadism to be delivered by Dr Richard Quinton.
If you have an audit, research topic or an interesting clinical case please complete the section below and return it to me (please do this now even if you have already mentioned a project earlier). Please advertise this meeting within your hospital to any one who is involved in endocrinology in any way by forwarding this e-mail. Hardcopies are in the post to a lot more individuals.
CME approval for 3 hours will be available. Slide projector, overhead projector and Power Point will be available. We look forward to seeing you. Please send me your abstract by 30th September 2008 either by e-mail (preferable) or post. Please return the enclosed attendance slip by 31st October 2008.
Yours sincerely,
Shaz Wahid FRCP
Consultant Diabetologist/Endocrinologist
"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Northern Endocrine Regional Research and Audit Group Meeting-Wednesday 26th November 2008.
I will / will not be able to attend NAME……………………………. Tel……………………………
I/my team will be able to present data on (Title)………………………………………………………
Please send me a copy of your abstract by post or electronically by 30th September 2008 to:
Dr Shaz Wahid FRCP Consultant Physician & Acute Medicine Lead South Tyneside District Hospital Harton Lane South Shields Tyne & Wear NE34 0PL
Tel No. +44 (0)844 811 3030 Ext. 2855/3238(Off) Fax No. +44 (0)191 203 2934 E-mail


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