Sunday, April 29, 2007

LAT appointments

Dear Colleagues,

I have had clarification from the PIMD that I am able to fill any vacancies on the rotation that will last longer than 3-months with a LAT appointment for vacancies arising from October 2007. Therefore, I am in a position to lift my temporary "embargo" on requests for Out of Programme Experience. However, I still have to adhere to strict guidance from the PIMD on OOPE approval and Recruitment&Selection hence early planning and discussion with myself is requested.

The only fly in the ointment is that currently an OOPE will not count towards training. This is something I should have clarified from the Specialist Advisory Committee by the Joint Trainers&Trainees meeting on 12th June 2007.

There is one definite LAT vacancy on the rotation from 3rd October 2007. I have arranged an appointments panel for this vacancy on 22nd June 2007, although the PIMD may still let me fill this vacancy from the successful candidates at the recent and forthcomming interviews. Any one who thinks they will need a LAT replacement to cover a period of OOPE must let me know by Monday 21st May 2007.

Kindest of regards,

Dr Shaz Wahid
Consultant Diabetologist/Endocrinologist
South Tyneside District Hospital
Harton Lane
South Shields
Tyne & Wear
NE34 0PL



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