Sunday, November 25, 2007

NRDSAG Minutes: 16 Oct 2007

Hi everyone,
Please find attached (Editor's note: appended below) the minutes for the NRDSAG meeting from 16th October.
The dates for the NRDSAG and Diabetes Audit meetings next year will be the afternoons of Thursday May 22nd and Monday October 13th 2008 – venues to be confirmed. Please get these dates in your diaries now...
As ever, always interested in your thoughts or ideas on NRDSAG and how we can continue to take this forward. Would particularly like to hear from anyone interested in collaborating in looking at the regional data...
Also, Alan Charlton asked me to specifically highlight the User Involvement training conference on 6th December (Editor's note: appended below).

All the best


Dr Simon Eaton
Consultant Diabetologist
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

User Involvement Training Conference
Web address:
Diabetes NSF Special Briefing
12 October 2007

Diabetes NSF Briefing
You can subscribe online to receive the Briefing directly into your mailbox at
NDST Regional Events - Update Because of postal delays caused by the strike could anyone who has applied for either Leeds or London NDST event please call Sarah Iveson on 01661 839203 to confirm your place at the event

User Involvement training

Helping you to put people at the heart of diabetes services – free training for you in your region.

A round of training events commissioned by the National Diabetes Support Team (NDST) as part of their programme to support User Involvement is now underway. The training, delivered by specialists in Diabetes UK and London Metropolitan University is targeted at people with responsibility for diabetes within local health systems and aims to provide everything they need to more effectively involve service users in the development and improvement of diabetes services.

The programme has been carefully developed to ensure delegates have command of the methods and information that they need to enable their services to more effectively engage with the people who use diabetes services. It will also provide an introduction to the materials developed to support user involvement by the NDST including a self-assessment tool for services, guidance on involving people whose voices are not normally heard, and information about the other opportunities to be involved for service users and staff.

The training will be delivered regionally to allow as many people as possible to attend. Locations have been chosen because they are central to the region or have the best transport links. Where possible, parking will be provided.

If you can't attend the training day in your region you can sign up in one of the other regions – please get in touch.

For more information and to sign up please email:

If you have any questions please contact David Jones, User Involvement Facilitator on 020 7424 1038 or at

Northern Region Diabetes Service Advisory Group
Tuesday 16th October 2007 1.00 – 2.30pm
Lumley Castle, Chester-le-Street


Present: Simon Eaton, Karen Butterfield, Kenvyn Murray, John Parr, K R Narayanan, Kate Latham, Alan Charlton, Chris Emmett (Medical Student), Alan McCulloch, Muthu Jayapaul, Paul Peter

Apologies: Shaz Wahid, Margaret Hunter, Bill Cunningham, Paul McClintock, Sally Marshall, Nicola Leech, Gillian Johnson, Gillian Hawthorne, Jola Weaver, Nick Lewis-Barned, Chris Strey

Previous minutes – accepted

User Representation and User Involvement
Alan Charlton is a member of the NDST Diabetes Reference Group, which is a trained user group along with Margaret Hunter. He discussed the nature of this group and their experiences.
He highlighted the user involvement training that will take place on the 6th December 2007 in Durham and asked us to try to encourage every organisation to encourage people to attend this.

Commissioning and Networks
It was acknowledged that there have been significant problems with networks over the past couple of years with rapid changeover of personnel, a lack of communication and there was a fear that we are losing what had been built up over the years. However some clinicians also reported starting to reform natural networks.
Many people reported a lack of movement from the commissioning perspective. They had had many meetings 12-18 months ago but really have not heard anything more subsequent to that. Simon Eaton briefly outlined the Year of Care Initiative - North Tyneside is one of the pilot sites.

NPfIT and the Diabetes Module
John Parr had hosted a demonstration of the diabetes module in South Tyneside the previous week. The functionality of the module looked good but there are difficulties linking it with other systems that may be in operation in Primary Care (such as EMIS) and also uncertainty how this will link with LORENZO (the Secondary Care system) in the future.

Simon Eaton attended an SHA engagement meeting last week and said that some of these problems were highlighted there. The main outcome of this meeting is to encourage clinicians to engage with NPfIT and the various module developments to ensure that the end product is fit for purpose. The main contacts would be Annette Chambers or Paula Whitty from NHS North East.

Simon Eaton also reported from a meeting he had attended regarding developments of the Diabetes Module particularly relating to the Do Once and Share Project that was held in the North East 2 years ago. This Module had been shared with the NRDSAG (albeit with very short time scales) a few months ago and it was highlighted that there were many limitations from the perspective of engaging people with diabetes in their care. At this meeting these limitations were acknowledged and there is ongoing work to try and redress this.

Linkage with SHA
As a consequence to the discussions around NPfIT there have been linkages formed between the SHA and the NRDSAG. It was agreed that we should work to strengthen these links as there may be much that either can benefit from the other. Simon Eaton will make contact with Paula Whitty to this end.

Diabetes Regional Interest Group
There had been a proposal from Jim Honeyman of GlaxoSmithKline and Steve Burney of Novo Nordisk about the potential positive value of an industry group to support work streams in this region. This may not be purely financial but may be around project management and bringing people together. The Scottish Diabetes Industry Group is an example of a similar forum which has had some successful outcomes.

Broadly it was felt that there was a potential value of this group and there was certainly an advantage to having a multiplicity of Pharma groups involved. There were no specific projects in mind at present. Simon Eaton suggested that he didn't feel this was a specific function for the NRDSAG and if anybody wished to lead or be involved in this then he could pass them on to Jim Honeyman directly.

The Diabetes Information Review
The group read and discussed the latest Diabetes Information Review report which focussed particularly on the Healthcare Commission Service review. A focus on patient education and involvement in care was also presented.

Broadly there was a mixed response to the service review and some centres had experienced stigma for having a "fair" rating. However it is acknowledged that this report had been performed and that it could now potentially be used as a drive to improve services and highlight the need for prioritisation or resource allocation.

Any Other Business
John Parr suggested a repeat of the regional myocardial infarction audit done around 10 years ago. There was support for this and John will contact centres directly.

Date of Next Meeting:
The dates for 2008 are the afternoons of Thursday May 22nd and Monday October 13th – venues to be confirmed.


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