Diabetes & Endo ARCP / RITAs May 2008
Dear Colleague,
I have appended:
<<Educational Supervisor Report for ARCP 2007.doc>>
Kindest of regards,
Panel-Dr Shaz Wahid, Gillian Conway, Dr Simon Pearce, Dr Vince Connelly (G(I)M)
0915 Jeevan Mettayil
1005 Chandima Idampitiya
1055 Break
1110 Shafie Kamaruddin
1200 Balasubramanian Ravikumar (RITA G)
1250 LUNCH
Panel-Dr Shaz Wahid, Gillian Conway, Dr Jola Weaver, Dr Vince Connelly (G(I)M)
1330 Ravisankar Erukulapati
1420 Sudeep Manohar
1510 Break
1520 Arif Ullah
1610 Asgar Madathil
THURSDAY 15th MAY 2008-Large staff room, Peacock Hall, RVI
PYA Panel-Dr Shaz Wahid, Gillian Conway, External-TBC, Dr Simon Eaton
0945 Beas Bhattacharya (PYA)
1015 Sukesh Chandran (PYA)
1045 Arutchelvam Vijayraman (PYA)
1115 Eelin Lim (PYA)
1145 Khaled Mansur-Dhukan (PYA)
1230 LUNCH
PANEL-Dr Shaz Wahid, Gillian Conway, Dr Nicola Leech, Dr Nick Roper (G(I)M)
1400 Srikanth Mada
1450 Kathryn Stewart
1540 Break
1550 Anjali Santhakumar
FRIDAY 16 th MAY 2008-Large staff room, Peacock Hall, RVI
PANEL Shaz Wahid, Gillian Conway, Dr Richard Quinton
0930 Freda Razvi
1020 Preethi Rao
1100 Break
1115 Flexible session (PYA reserve, ARCP reserve, Counselling, outstanding RITA Gs)
Diabetes & Endocrinology ARCP Trainee Instructions 2008
The ARCP panels will be held on Weds 14th, Thurs 15th and Fri 16th May 2008. The format will consist of the trainee attending their allocated time 5-minutes before with all the documentation asked for below. The panel will review all the documentation in 40-minutes whilst the trainee waits outside. Ten-minutes will be spent feeding back the ARCP panel's adjudication to the trainee. For those of you undertaking your PYA on the morning of Thurs 15 th May 2008 it is essential that the documentation detailed below be forwarded to the Deanery office by Friday 9th May 2008, 12pm at the latest. The required documentation for your ARCP is:
- Portfolio (If you have developed one)
- Training Log Book (to include any assessments, e.g. MSF, Mini-CEX)
- Three copies of an Educational Supervisor Report (appended electronically)
- Three copies of an Annual Appraisal Record (appended electronically)
- Structured CV (format appended electronically)
- 4 mandatory Mini-CEXs (unless you have already had your PYA when they are optional)
- A mandatory up to date MSF report (not seen in your last RITA), unless you have already had your PYA
- Evidence in your folder/portfolio demonstrating competence in at least 6 Core Diabetes & Endocrinology Topics (not seen at your last RITA). If you are having a PYA you should have evidence of competence in your folder for at least 90% of the core topics
Failure to adhere to the guidance can result in a RITA D or outcome 5. It is essential that all the necessary Supervisor Signatures be obtained for the above documentation to count towards your ARCP.
For those of you due a PYA please hand-deliver the above documentation in an envelope/package labelled:
For the Attention of:
Gillian Conway, Specialty Programme Coordinator, Diabetes and Endocrinology RITAs/ARCPs
To the Northern Deanery Office, 10 Framlington Place, Newcastle upon Tyne
When handing in the documentation to the office print your name, indicate that you are leaving it for your Diabetes & Endo RITA/ARCP on 15th May 2008, the date when left and who it is for in the available register. The receptionist signs to say they have received the documentation.
Shaz Wahid, Training Programme Director
Background Details-Name, Age, Address, E-mail, NTN, GMC number, MDU/MPS number, Expected CCT date
CLINICAL EXPERIENCE FOR EACH SpR/StR POST(maximum of 1000 words IN TOTAL for this section)
Teaching Experience (maximum of 300 words)
Research Experience (maximum of 300 words)
Management Experience (maximum of 300 words)
Courses/Conferences Attended (include mandatory CME + number of days)
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