Friday, November 24, 2006

Exchange in Endocrinology Expertise

Exchange in Endocrinology Expertise
Novo Nordisk & the Section/Board of Endocrinology of the UEMS

In order to facilitate within Europe the exchange of trainees specialising in Endocrinology and to harmonise and improve the training of the new endocrinologists, the Section/Board of Endocrinology of the UEMS and Novo Nordisk A/S have set up a fellowship program called ‘3E’, the Exchange in Endocrinology Expertise.

The Exchange in Endocrinology Expertise program will support candidates for an assignment in a leading centre in endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism in Europe. The task will include both clinical practice and research, leading to publication.

Although on average, the assignment duration is 6 months, the length of the period will be dependent to the requirement of each individual project.

Whenever possible, the assignment should include both clinical practice and research. Publication should be seeked, and if not relevant a report has to be written at the end.
Novo Nordisk would like to present the Section/Board of Endocrinology a list of topic of interest within diabetes that could be a source of inspiration for potential future candidates.

In 2006, the project will pilot up to 6 candidates.

The selection of the candidates will be done by a Committee from the Section/Board of Endocrinology according to well defined criteria of eligibility approved by both organising parties.

The criteria for a candidate to be selected are the following
At least 1 publication in a peer reviewed journal
Recommendation from the head of the department
Language: incompatibility of language should be avoided (the UEMS Committee will evaluate case by case if the knowledge of the receiving centre language is necessary)
Education: minimum of 1 year in the specialty of endocrinology education up to 5 years after end of specialty education
Motivation proven with a specific project proposal including an interesting topic, a proposal of centre and feasibility letter from the receiving centre

In terms of process for application, it is up to the candidate to choose a specific centre within the list of the RQE (Recognition of Quality in Endocrinology) accredited centres by the Board of Endocrinology and to initiate the first contacts to investigate feasibility of the project prior to the submission of the application. The RQE centres are listed on the website of the Section/Board of Endocrinology.

The country of origin might be any of the European Union countries, member of the Section/Board of Endocrinology of the UEMS. However, it will be taken into account that differences can occur in the level of skills from one country to the other.

The centre for the program will be selected from the list of RQE centres that have been accredited by the Board of Endocrinology based on the level of quality of care.

The budget for the fellowship will cover the salary, the travel expenses (one return trip) and potentially research expenses like bench fees.

The communication of the program will, in a first instance, be done through the national delegates of the Section/Board of Endocrinology, who will take the responsibility to spread the information in their own individual countries.

The fellowship applications should be sent to the following address before February 5, 2007 :

Prof. Rolf C. Gaillard
President Section/Board of Endocrinology of UEMS
Service d’endocrinologie,diabétologie et métabolisme

University Hospital (CHUV)
CH-1011 LAUSANNE / Switzerland



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