JRCPTB Recognition of Research/ Overseas Training
Dear Specialist Registrar,
I am bringing to your urgent attention a change in the regulations for recognising research & overseas training retrospectively. (This includes past, completed research & research currently being undertaken, but approval not yet applied for).
The Postgraduate Medical Education & Training Board (PMETB) have informed us that with effect from 31st July 2007 it will no longer be possible for JRCPTB (formerly JCHMT) to retrospectively recognise any research or overseas training as counting towards a CCT. Therefore if you, or any of your Specialist Registrar colleagues, wish to have research or overseas training counted which is in accordance with JCHMT/JRCPTB policy - you should make application to JRCPTB IMMEDIATELY - using the Research Application Form or the Overseas Clinical Application Form, together with a copy of your up to date CV. The forms can be downloaded from the JRCPTB website by going to Forms & Guidance and then scrolling down to Research Application Form or Overseas Application Form.
(Contact details of Specialty Managers are on the JRCPTB website if you have any queries. If you are unsure of the JRCPTB policy concerning research and overseas training, they can be found in the JCHMT Handbook inside your Training Record, or seek advice from the relevant Specialty Manager).
In thinking about whether to apply for recognition (or not) - you need to be aware that once approved by JRCPTB, you will not be able to change your mind. The CCT date cannot be changed/amended.
In order for JRCPTB and its SACs to approve applications by the 31st July, 2007, we need to receive all requests by 1st June 2007. This is to allow for checking and queries of applications, despatch to SACs and return to JRCPTB for database amendment and confirmatory letters/emails, and taking place against a background of examinations and annual leave.
PLEASE NOTE: All prospective applications for research and overseas training (or anything else that would require an Out of Programme Experience) will need to be prospectively approved by the Deanery, JRCPTB and the PMETB - further advice about the process for these applications will be available shortly.
Best wishes
Lesley Hagger
Deputy Manager, Specialties, JRCPTB
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