Sunday, April 29, 2007

LAT appointments

Dear Colleagues,

I have had clarification from the PIMD that I am able to fill any vacancies on the rotation that will last longer than 3-months with a LAT appointment for vacancies arising from October 2007. Therefore, I am in a position to lift my temporary "embargo" on requests for Out of Programme Experience. However, I still have to adhere to strict guidance from the PIMD on OOPE approval and Recruitment&Selection hence early planning and discussion with myself is requested.

The only fly in the ointment is that currently an OOPE will not count towards training. This is something I should have clarified from the Specialist Advisory Committee by the Joint Trainers&Trainees meeting on 12th June 2007.

There is one definite LAT vacancy on the rotation from 3rd October 2007. I have arranged an appointments panel for this vacancy on 22nd June 2007, although the PIMD may still let me fill this vacancy from the successful candidates at the recent and forthcomming interviews. Any one who thinks they will need a LAT replacement to cover a period of OOPE must let me know by Monday 21st May 2007.

Kindest of regards,

Dr Shaz Wahid
Consultant Diabetologist/Endocrinologist
South Tyneside District Hospital
Harton Lane
South Shields
Tyne & Wear
NE34 0PL


Diabetes audit meeting following NRDSAG meeting: 16 May 2007

This is just to remind everyone that the diabetes audit meeting is scheduled for the 16th of May following the NRDSAG meeting (venue usually in Durham but tbc). The audit meeting starts at 1430.

Can I request everyone to submit abstracts to me via email (as a word attachment) by the 30th of April so that I can send out a final programme in the first week of May?

Dr K R Narayanan FRCP
Consultant Physician and Diabetologist
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust
Sheriff Hill

Thursday, April 19, 2007

RITAs 2007

Dear Colleague,

I have appended the finalised timetables following some developments.

Trainers thank you for your valued help and please note your time and venue.

Gillian, please pass the timetable onto the external asssessor and pass the timetable for the review meeting for 18th May onto Lynn Bradley. Thanks.


Those of you not due a PYA, RITA G or RITA F need to have sent your finalised paper-work as outlined in 2 previous e-mails to Gillian at the PIMD by Friday 11th May 12pm.

As a summary

Weds + Thurs 16th/17th May will be the paper-based RITAs when no one will be expected to attend. Fri 18th May is the post-RITA review meeting when those timetabled are to attend for a face to face feedback session and collect all of their relevant documentation.

Friday 25th May is the PYAs, RITA G and QA RITAs when those timetabled are to attend in person with the necessary documentation if not already sent.

Of course Andrew and Chandima I do not expect you to fly back for the RITAs! Send your relevant RITA F paperwork to Gillian.

Best wishes,

Dr Shaz Wahid
Consultant Diabetologist/Endocrinologist

Annual Review Attendance List

Wednesday, 16th May 2007
Room D502, Dental School

09:30 Morning Panel Dr Shaz Wahid, Dr Vincent Connolly (GIM Rep), Mrs Gillian Conway

Eelin Lim
Shafie Kamarrudin
Sukesh Chandran
Ravi Sankar Erukalapati
Khaled Mansur-Dukhan (pre-RITA review)

12:15 Lunch

13:30 Afternoon Panel – Dr Shaz Wahid, Dr Jola Weaver, Dr Vincent Connolly (GIM Rep), Mrs Gillian Conway

Chandima Idampitiya (RITA F)
Jeevan Mettayil
Asgar Madathil
Chris Rizzo
Subir Ray (pre-RITA review)


Thursday, 17th May 2007
Room D502, Dental School

09:30 Morning Panel – Dr Shaz Wahid, Dr Simon Pearce, Mrs Gillian Conway

Kerry Livingstone
Preethi Rao
Srikanth Mada
Arutchelvam Vijayaraman

12:15 Lunch

13:30 Afternoon Panel – Dr Shaz Wahid, Mrs Gillian Conway

PYA folders review:

Akheel Syed
Muthukamaran Jayapaul
Balasubramanian Ravikumar


Post-RITA Review

Friday, 18th May 2007
Room D502, Dental School

Panel: Dr Shaz Wahid, Dr Richard Quinton, Lynn Bradley

09:15 Eelin Lim
09:30 Shafie Kamarrudin
09:45 Sukesh Chandran
10:00 Ravi Sankar Erukalapati
10:15 Arutchelvam Vijayaraman
10:30 Jeevan Mettayil
10:45 Asgar Madathil
11:00 Kerry Livingstone
11:15 Preethi Rao
11:30 Srikanth Mada
11:45 Chris Rizzo


PYA Annual Review Attendance List

Friday, 25th May 2007
Room D502, Dental School

Morning Panel: Mrs Gillian Conway, Dr Shaz Wahid, Dr Simon Eaton, Dr JP Simmonds (external assessor)

09:20 Sony Anthony (RITA G)
10:00 Muthukamaran Jayapaul (PYA)
10:30 Akheel Syed (PYA)
11:00 Beas Bhatacharya (RITA for QA)
11:30 Balasubramanian Ravikumar (PYA)
12:00 Subir Ray (RITA for QA)
12:15 Khaled Mansur-Dhukan (RITA for QA)
12:30 Andrew Advani (RITA F)
12:35 Lunch

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Consultation skills training

As many of you will be aware, over the past couple of years there have been various suggestions of some regionally organised training specifically around consultation skills for SpRs in Diabetes and Endocrinology.

There are people who may be interested in providing some training and even some pharma reps that would be able to support a venue and other costs (which may mean is is free!!!).

The key issue, however, is whether there is sufficient interest in such training from you guys, the trainees.

I would be grateful if everyone could reply to me
simply to say whether you would be interested in such training, what specifically might be of interest to you, and what format may be best (1 day, 1/2 day(s), etc.)
Really interested in your views on this. We can only get this going if there is sufficient interest. I guess there will be quite a lot of variation with what training you've each already had and your specific needs. However, we can all constantly improve our consultation skills and attending courses such as this does strengthen CVs and application forms...
All the best
Consultant Diabetologist, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Chair of NRDSAG

Sunday, April 01, 2007

NRDSAG Meeting: 16 May 2007

How are you doing in your patch on diagnosing diabetes, achieving QOF targets or at the cost-effective use of diabetes drugs?
Ever thought you'd like to know how you compare to other services regionally?

Are there any areas you feel you are performing well on? How have you achieved this and what could you share to help others?

The 2005 – 06 QOF data is now available and I am really interested in using the NRDSAG to look at it in detail on a regional basis. I have produced a brief review of some of the QOF data to present a flavour of this (Web Editor’s note: please see email attachment).

The next meeting of the Northern Region Diabetes Service Advisory Group will be on
Wednesday 16th May 2007, at Collingwood College in Durham from 1pm. I propose the focus of this meeting to discuss this data and the future role of the NRDSAG (see agenda below).
Whether or not you can get to the meeting in May please have a look at the report and let me know what you think.
Please feel free to pass this through your teams for discussion and let me know if they wish to be included in distribution lists.

Best wishes

Simon Eaton
Consultant Diabetologist, North Tyneside General Hospital
Chair of NRDSAG

Northern Region Diabetes Service Advisory Group (NRDSAG) Meeting
Wednesday, 16th May 2007
Collingwood College, Durham

12.30 Lunch
13:00 Business agenda (to be confirmed) & role of NRDSAG
13:30 Regional Diabetes Information Review – consideration of report and other data
14:30 Diabetes Audit Group – Local audits (abstracts to be submitted to Dr K Narayanan)

Contact: Dr Simon Eaton

Kindly supported by Kate Latham, Lilly

Specialist Registrar Teaching in G(I)M: 28 March 2007

Specialist Registrar Teaching in G(I)M
Date: 28th March 2007
Venue: Education Centre, Freeman Hospital
Chairperson: Dr M McHugh, Consultant Nephrologist

Registration 1:30 - 2:00 PM
Sessions 2:00 - 5:00 PM

Sandwiches & refreshments will be provided
Please register on arrival, attendance certificates will be given out on the day

Future dates:
9th May 2007 - Freeman Hospital
9th July 2007 - Freeman Hospital
19th September 2007 - Freeman Hospital
21st November 2007 - Freeman Hospital

For further information please contact Lorraine Waugh.