Sunday, June 29, 2008

Northern rotation 2008-2009

Northern Deanery Diabetes & Endocrinology Rotation 1st Oct 2008 - 6th October 2009


Royal Victoria Infirmary
Chandima Idampitiya
Asgar Madathil
Preethi Rao
Shafie Kamarrudin

NAVEEN SIDDARAMAIHA 6/08/08 to 30/09/08

Freeman Hospital .
Beas Bhattacharya
Kathryn Stewart
Rohana Wright
STUART LITTLE 6/08/08 to 30/09/08
Northumbria (North Tyneside/Wansbeck)
Ravi Sankar Erukalapati [to start at North Tyneside]
Sudeep Manohar [to swap with Ravi from 30th March 2009]

Naveen Siddaramaiha

Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Gateshead)
Arutchelvan Vijayraman

QEH+Newcastle Diabetes Centre
Freda Razvi (part-time)

South Tyneside District Hospital
Sukesh Chandran


James Cook University Hospital
Anjali Santhakumar
Arif Ullah

North Tees & Hartlepool University Hospitals 1.
Khaled Mansur-Dukhan [to start at North Tees]
Stuart Little [to swap with Khaled from 30th March 2009]

Bishop Auckland District Hospital
Srikanth Mada

University Hospital of North Durham
Balasubramanian Ravikumar until 15th May 2009 followed by Eelin Lim

Sunderland Royal Hospital
Jeevan Mettayil
Sarah Steven [to start 6th August 2008]

NEERAG 26 November 2008

date for your diary-NERRAG annual meeting, 26th November 2008, Lumley Castle, Chester-le-Street, County Durham, 1400-1830
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS-deadline 30th September 2008
Dear Colleague,
The 15th annual meeting of NERRAG is due to take place at this pleasant hotel. We are pleased to announce an update on calcium to be delivered by Professor Simon Pearce and an update on hypogonadism to be delivered by Dr Richard Quinton.
If you have an audit, research topic or an interesting clinical case please complete the section below and return it to me (please do this now even if you have already mentioned a project earlier). Please advertise this meeting within your hospital to any one who is involved in endocrinology in any way by forwarding this e-mail. Hardcopies are in the post to a lot more individuals.
CME approval for 3 hours will be available. Slide projector, overhead projector and Power Point will be available. We look forward to seeing you. Please send me your abstract by 30th September 2008 either by e-mail (preferable) or post. Please return the enclosed attendance slip by 31st October 2008.
Yours sincerely,
Shaz Wahid FRCP
Consultant Diabetologist/Endocrinologist
"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Northern Endocrine Regional Research and Audit Group Meeting-Wednesday 26th November 2008.
I will / will not be able to attend NAME……………………………. Tel……………………………
I/my team will be able to present data on (Title)………………………………………………………
Please send me a copy of your abstract by post or electronically by 30th September 2008 to:
Dr Shaz Wahid FRCP Consultant Physician & Acute Medicine Lead South Tyneside District Hospital Harton Lane South Shields Tyne & Wear NE34 0PL
Tel No. +44 (0)844 811 3030 Ext. 2855/3238(Off) Fax No. +44 (0)191 203 2934 E-mail

Monday, June 02, 2008

UKI NETS membership

Dear UKI NETS Committee Members
To help promote UKI NETS membership, please can you circulate the attached notice and UKI NETS application form to your colleagues and students? The notice can be printed on an A4 page so you may also wish to display this on your department’s notice board.
Applicants who apply before 1st July 2008 will benefit from a discounted membership fee and receive a free copy of the Handbook of Neuroendocrine Tumours.
All members will receive priority notification of the next UKI NETS annual conference which is scheduled to take place on 1st December 2008. Members will also benefit from reduced rate registration.
Thank you in anticipation of your help.
Kind regards Pauline Bertrand UKI NETS Secretariat Tel: (+44) (0) 1454 642208 Fax:(+44) (0) 1454 642222 Email: Website: file://

Send completed application to:
UKI NETS Secretariat
22 Apex Court
BS32 4JT
United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0)1454-642277
Fax: +44(0)1454-642222
Please tick one of the below, if other, please specify:
 Scientist  Clinician  Consultant  Other…………………………: £75  Nurse  Trainee: £45
Please see overleaf for benefits of membership, terms & conditions of membership and definition of trainees
Please complete clearly in upper case using black ink
First name: Initials: Surname:
Date of birth:
Academic qualifications: Present occupation:
Work address:
Mailing address/card holder’s billing address with postcode:
 MasterCard  Visa
Card number
Expiry date Security code (3 digit number on reverse of card)
· Please provide your credit card details as requested above. Your credit card statement will show a sale under the name BioScientifica Limited.
The 3-digit security code will be deleted immediately after processing your payment and will not be stored.
· Payment by credit card is preferred. If you need to send a cheque, please make it payable to BioScientifica Limited. Payment should be in £
sterling and drawn on a UK bank.
· Please fax or post the completed application form with your payment to address at the top of the page. You will receive acknowledgement and
a new member’s pack by post shortly.
· Applications cannot be processed unless credit card details are shown or a cheque is included.
· Applications for trainee membership will only be processed if the form is signed by a senior member of the department and the date of
completion of training shown.
UKI NETS Secretariat
22 Apex Court
Bristol BS32 4JT
United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0)1454-642277
Fax: +44(0)1454-642222
The neuroendocrine tumour interest group UK NETwork was first established in the year 2000. Following successful
annual conferences, development of clinical trials and publication of national guidelines there has been increasing
enthusiasm and rationale for a larger formal society. Thus we have formed the UK and Ireland Neuroendocrine
Tumour Society (UKI NETS) which aims to promote research, education, training and best clinical practice across a
multidisciplinary area in the field of endocrine tumours. UKI NETS has amongst its members leading endocrinologists,
gastroenterologists, oncologists, surgeons, radiologists, nuclear medicine physicians and pathologists to promote
multidisciplinary collaborations. A national study on chemotherapy in NETs is currently being coordinated as well as an
international study on the role of somatostatin analogues as anti-tumour agents in non-functional NETs. UKI NETS is
active in preliminary trials of new agents. The offshoot from such studies is the ability to collect samples for basic science
research. There are currently UKI NETS sponsored studies assessing chromogranin A assays. UKI NETS is establishing
a data-base in association with a European registry.
· Invitation to and discount on registration fee to attend the UKI NETS annual conference
· Inclusive membership of the European Neuroendocrine Tumour Society (ENETS)
· Access to the members’ section of the website
· Receipt of Neuroendocrinology journal
· Twice yearly newsletter from UKI NETS
· Updates on clinical trials and research developments
· Opportunity to apply for grants and fellowships
· Enjoy the opportunity to meet colleagues, gain support for your career, share research interests and exchange
scientific knowledge with your peers
Please allow at least 10 working days for your application to be processed.
A trainee is defined as anyone who has not yet reached the date of completion of their training nor achieved consultant status. Trainees are eligible for
a reduced subscription rate until completion of training is achieved when they will automatically pay the full member rate. The date of completion of
training must be provided when applying for membership and the trainee must notify the UKI NETS Secretariat if completion is achieved before that
date. The maximum period for this category of membership is 3 years, after which the trainee will automatically be moved to a full member rate.
The membership year runs from 1st January to 31st December. Applicants will be expected to pay the full year’s membership fee in their first year,
regardless of when their application is approved. The membership fee will not be reduced on a pro-rata basis. If you apply for membership during the
period 1 September to 31 December, your membership payment will cover the remainder of that year and all of the following year. However, you will
only receive journals for the following membership year.
Refunds cannot be provided for part of the membership year if membership is cancelled. Notification of cancellation of your membership must be made
to the UKI NETS Secretariat and received by the end of the membership year.
Membership renewal notices will be sent approximately 1 month before the start of the membership year and as an UKI NETS member, you are
expected to ensure that payment is made promptly. Members who have not paid the membership fee will not be entitled to vote at the AGM.
Members who have not paid their membership fee after a few reminders will be deemed as lapsed members and will not receive the newsletter, journal,
mailings and discounted registration to the UKI NETS annual conference, nor enjoy access to the members’ section of the UKI NETS website.
Members who have not paid their membership fee for two years or more must either re-apply for membership or pay all fees due since their last
membership fee payment.
By applying for membership, you permit UKI NETS and its professional secretariat provider BioScientifica Limited to process your personal details.
As an UKI NETS member, you will receive mailings and email alerts from UKI NETS on its own and related activities. Member details will not be
provided to third parties. However, members of UKI NETS will enjoy membership of ENETS and receive Neuroendocrinology. Hence, your details will
be shared with ENETS and the journal publisher Karger AG.
As an UKI NETS member, your contact details will be included in the online membership directory which is located within the password protected
members’ section of the UKI NETS website. The password protected members’ section is available to paid-up UKI NETS members and enables your
UKI NETS colleagues to contact you.