Monday, May 28, 2007

Regional bone density meeting: 6 Jul 2007

Dear All

This is to remind you that the next regional bone density meeting is on the 6th July and will be at the Education Centre, Freeman Hospital. All welcome! Please feel free to forward this email to colleagues who may be interested in the content of the meeting. Lunch will be available from 12:30 and presentations will begin at around 1:30pm and finish around 4:30pm. For those not familiar with our meetings, presentations from recent meetings are available on RMPD website .The aim of July meeting, as always, is to highlight developments (either locally or nationally) that are of relevance to all clinical technical, scientific and nursing staff involved either in carrying out and interpreting the measurements or in the management and selection of those patients. I will be sending out a detailed programme shortly - please let me know of any areas of development (or current practice) that you would specifically like to see included. Two such areas/issues have already been suggested:
1) Management of young people with low bone density
2) Update on local DXA through private provider
I would be particularly interested to hear from anyone wishing (or willing) to speak on any appropriate aspect. In addition to more formal presentations, case studies have previously been effective where unusual or difficult aspects may be highlighted (e.g. controversial interpretation or management, abnormal scan image or anatomical feature, etc). I look forward to hearing from you with any contributions/suggestions - please email Dave Rawlings
While we do not have a formal registration for these meetings it is useful to have some idea of the audience (for catering purposes), therefore if you are hoping to come I would appreciate it if you could confirm (by say 29th June) by emailing Lisa Baker or Kerry Myers. Also, if you do not wish to be contacted at any time in the future regarding regional bone density meetings (or if you have any obvious changes or additions to the list) please indicate to either of these addresses.
I look forward to seeing you on the 6th July

David Rawlings
Regional Medical Physics Department

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Northern region diabetes audit 16.5.2007

16 May 2007 (FROM 1430)

1430 – 1450 An audit on the use of home blood glucose monitoring in Gateshead: Anne-Marie Bailey, J Stephenson. Gateshead PCT
1450 – 1510 Insulin allergy: A challenge: M S Kamaruddin, J Mettayil, S Mada, R Bilous. James Cook University Hospital
1510 – 1530 Diabetes in care homes across Tyne and Wear: Using audit to motivate health improvement: T Aspray, K Nesbit, M Bowler, G Hawthorne. Newcastle Diabetes Centre
1530 – 1550 Management of acute hyperglycaemia in the hospital away from ITU or CCU care: P Peter. Bishop Auckland District General Hospital
1550 – 1600 Coffee/Tea break
1600 – 1620 Insulin starts in people with type 2 diabetes: An interface audit between primary and secondary care in Gateshead: R Thomas, L Topping, M Kerrison, C Oxynos, K R Narayanan
Gateshead PCT and Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead
1620 – 1640 Audit on the use of Insulin Detemir in North Tees and Hartlepool University Hospitals: P E Carey, J Macleod. North Tees and Hartlepool University Hospitals
1640 – 1700 Charcot’s arthropathy: the diagnostic dilemma: E L Lim, C M Lee, J B Wilsdon,
N Leech. Newcastle Diabetes Centre

Contact: Dr K Narayanan

Thursday, May 03, 2007

JRCPTB Recognition of Research/ Overseas Training

Dear Specialist Registrar,

I am bringing to your urgent attention a change in the regulations for recognising research & overseas training retrospectively. (This includes past, completed research & research currently being undertaken, but approval not yet applied for).

The Postgraduate Medical Education & Training Board (PMETB) have informed us that with effect from 31st July 2007 it will no longer be possible for JRCPTB (formerly JCHMT) to retrospectively recognise any research or overseas training as counting towards a CCT. Therefore if you, or any of your Specialist Registrar colleagues, wish to have research or overseas training counted which is in accordance with JCHMT/JRCPTB policy - you should make application to JRCPTB IMMEDIATELY - using the Research Application Form or the Overseas Clinical Application Form, together with a copy of your up to date CV. The forms can be downloaded from the JRCPTB website by going to Forms & Guidance and then scrolling down to Research Application Form or Overseas Application Form.

(Contact details of Specialty Managers are on the JRCPTB website if you have any queries. If you are unsure of the JRCPTB policy concerning research and overseas training, they can be found in the JCHMT Handbook inside your Training Record, or seek advice from the relevant Specialty Manager).

In thinking about whether to apply for recognition (or not) - you need to be aware that once approved by JRCPTB, you will not be able to change your mind. The CCT date cannot be changed/amended.

In order for JRCPTB and its SACs to approve applications by the 31st July, 2007, we need to receive all requests by 1st June 2007. This is to allow for checking and queries of applications, despatch to SACs and return to JRCPTB for database amendment and confirmatory letters/emails, and taking place against a background of examinations and annual leave.

PLEASE NOTE: All prospective applications for research and overseas training (or anything else that would require an Out of Programme Experience) will need to be prospectively approved by the Deanery, JRCPTB and the PMETB - further advice about the process for these applications will be available shortly.

Best wishes

Lesley Hagger
Deputy Manager, Specialties, JRCPTB