Wednesday, January 30, 2008

NEOF meeting "Childhood obesity: the size of the problem" 21 May 2008

I'm sending you a note to let you know that the next meeting of the North Eastern Obesity Forum (NEOF) will be taking place on Wednesday 21st May 2008, starting at 4.00 pm, this time at the Seminar Room of the Wolfson Research Unit at Queens Campus in Thornaby. (Maps for finding Queens Campus and the Wolfson Unit are: and

The topic for this meeting is "Childhood obesity: the size of the problem", and we are pleased to say that Janet Shucksmith will be chairing, with speakers talking on childhood obesity, the north-east slant; monitoring and the Obesity Observatory; and the practicalities of application.

I'll be sending you a notice for distribution to anyone else you know may be interested in attending the meeting (which is open to all), and also to put on your noticeboards. And I'd be grateful if you'd let me know, by mid-April if possible please, if you'd like to attend and would
like some refreshments prior to the meeting.

The November meeting is scheduled for 12th November, and the theme will be 'obesogenic environments' - watch out for further information.

If you can think of anyone else who would like to be included in the NEOF mailbase, please let me know and I'll add them to the list for future circulations.

Many thanks.


PA to Nigel Unwin
Professor of Epidemiology
Newcastle University
Institute of Health and Society
Advancing Research in Chronic Disease Epidemiology (ArchEpi) Programme
WHO Collaborating Centre for Diabetes
Medical School
Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4HH

Trainers-trainees meeting: 24 Jun 2008

Dear Colleagues,

I have appended a timetable/agenda for the above meeting on Tuesday 24th June 2008
1330 - 1600 STC meeting only
1600 - 1730 Joint T&T meeting open to all
1730 - 1845 SPARROWS feedback meeting open to all

Best wishes,


STC meeting - Jola Weaver (Chair), Shaz Wahid, Richard Quinton, Simon Pearce, Nicky Leech, Simon Eaton, Jean MacLeod, Arutchelvan Vijayraman, Jeevan Mettayil.

Venue - Teaching Centre, coffee lounge from 1330 moving to Room 6 at 1400

Training issues from last minutes
ARCP update
Recruitment & Selection update
Acute Medicine Training
Longitudinal Supervision
Personal Development Plans
Date of next STC meeting


Venue - Teaching Centre, Coffee Lounge 1545, moving to Lecture Theatre 1600

Recruitment & Selection update with circulation of October 2008 rotation
ARCP update
OOPE & OOPR & Acting-up update
Acute Medicine Training/MRCP
Educational supervision


Venue - Teaching Centre, Coffee Lounge 1715, moving to Lecture Theatre 1730

Presentations from SpRs & DSN attending the ADA
Prize for the best presentation


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

RCP update on acute medical emergencies, Freeman Hospital: 30 Apr 2008

Northern Regional Office


30th April 2008

Education Centre
Level 1,
Freeman Hospital

09:30 Registration and Coffee

Morning session
Chairman: Dr Stephen Bourke, RCP Regional Advisor (Service)

10:00 Management of Patients with Drug Misuse: Dr Eilish Gilvarry, Newcastle upon Tyne
Pneumonia for Acute Physicians: Dr Wei Shen Lim, Nottingham University Hospital
The Red Hot Joint: Dr Bridget Griffiths, Freeman Hospital
Acute Upper Gastro-intestinal Bleeding: Dr John Greenaway, James Cook University Hospital
13:00 Lunch

Afternoon session
Chairman: Dr Nick Linker, RCP Deputy Regional Advisor (Training)

13:45 Acute Medicine Admissions from Nursing Homes, Dr Terry Aspray, Sunderland Royal Hospital
Workforce Planning Across the Specialties, Professor Roy Pounder, Royal Free Hospital, London
When to call a Neurosurgeon: Mr Patrick Mitchell, Newcastle General Hospital
16:20 Pericardial Problems: Dr Jane Skinner, Royal Victoria Infirmary

CME approved for 5 credits
All healthcare professionals are welcome to attend

To book your place:


Name .........................................................



Contact Tel.................................................

Dietary Requirements?...............................

I enclose my payment of £45.00

Cheques should be made payable to Royal College of Physicians, Northern’

Return to:

Lorraine Waugh
Royal College of Physicians
Northern Regional Office,

Freeman Hospital
Newcastle upon Tyne NE7 7DN

Sunday, January 27, 2008

North East Obesogenic Environment Network

Dear Colleague,

We are writing to invite you to join and be a part of the North East Obesogenic Environment Network (NEOeN).

The term ‘Obesogenic Environment’ relates to the influences that contribute towards obesity, such as our surroundings, opportunities or life conditions. These include eating behaviour, physical activity, urban planning and design, policy, transport, environment, and culture.

North East Obesogenic Environment Network has been recently established to initiate integrated working partnerships within research, practice and the wider community.

The objective of NEOeN is to provide a networking facility across practice, academia and communities. Through cross-sectoral partnerships, there is potential to impact on the rising obesity rates in the North East of England.

NEOeN operates to terms of reference with a steering group, and is open to anyone with an interest in this agenda, regardless of their professional background.

We believe the strength of the network is in our membership and we would like to invite you to join us.

If you would like to join NEOeN or would like any further information, please see our website

On 17th October 2007 Foresight launched Tackling Obesities: Future Choices. The project aimed to produce a long-term vision of how we can deliver a sustainable response to obesity in the UK over the next 40 years.

In Jan 2008, the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) will launch Public Health Guidance on Physical Activity and Environment.
The guidance is for NHS and NON NHS professionals who have a direct or indirect role in and responsibility for the environment. This includes those working in local authorities, education, community, voluntary and private sectors.

Both of these pieces of work mark a new way of working, and NEOeN provides a facility for the North East to support this.

We look forward to hearing from you, and welcoming you to the network!

Janine A Ogilvie
Amelia Lake
Tim Townshend
Roselle Oberholzer
Louisa Ells

Dr Amelia Lake

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Northern Endocrine and Diabetes CME: 29 Jan 2008

Northern Endocrine and Diabetes CME
Tuesday, 29.1.08
Lecture Theatre 2, Education Centre, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne

0930 Registration
Morning: Diabetes session

1000 Update on Pancreas transplantation: Professor Mark Walker, Freeman Hospital
1040 Discussion

1050 Hypoglycaemia - An update: Professor Simon Heller, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals
1130 Discussion

1140 Tea break

1155 Debate:'This house believes that newer therapies will change the face of diabetes management in the near future'
Chair: Professor Simon Heller
Against the motion: Dr Ravikumar , Freeman Hospital
Supporting the motion: Dr Arutchelvam, Royal Victoria Infirmary

1300 Lunch

Afternoon: Endocrine session

1400 Diagnosis and management of pituitary disorders - an interactive session: Dr. Andy James, RVI
1440 Discussion

1450 Adrenal insufficiency - diagnosis and management: Professor Simon Pearce, RVI

1545 Management of unhappy hypothyroid patients - T3, T4 and other combinations: Dr Petros Perros, Freeman Hospital
1620 Discussion

1630 Close

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Darzi review on using information in the NHS: 27 Feb 2008

This event aims to assess NHS frontline staff perceptions on the use of IT and information, with a focus on patient information, in order to identify and act upon priorities moving forward. The event has been organised in conjunction with Connecting for Health as part of the National Review of the NHS led by Lord Darzi.

This 'Using Information in the NHS' event has been organised for the 27th February 2008 at the Banqueting Hall, Newcastle Civic Centre. Please find attached a briefing letter and booking form. Please also could you forward this to your colleagues as we hope to have a wide range of frontline staff and especially clinical staff representation from across all care settings in this event.

To book a place, please complete the booking form and email to, or fax to 0113 241 6541. To ensure your place is secured at this important engagement event please book as soon as possible.

Best Wishes

Rob Longstaff

Account Manager & Communications Lead
NHS North East NPFIT Region Wide Team


Dear Colleague

Darzi Review on using information in the NHS – how you can influence future work

The need for high quality clinical and management information within the NHS in England has never been greater.

  • Having the right information is essential to be able to give safe and effective care to our patients

  • Information is also essential if we are to review our practice and improve it for the future

Currently the NHS has a great deal of data, but insufficient useful information. Much information is only available to limited numbers of people, often inconsistent with that held elsewhere, and often not readily available at the point of need.

Therefore, as noted by Lord Darzi in his 'Next Stage Review' earlier this year, a wide-ranging informatics review is being held to improve the use and sharing of information across the NHS.

We would very much like you to be part of this process and would like to invite you to attend an event to explore the information and informatics implications arising from this review. This will enable us to learn more about how you currently use information in the workplace, how we can help improve your experiences and your priorities for moving forward. It will also enable us to feed into the National Review and 'sense check' our local informatics priorities, which have recently been agreed by the medical and nursing directors.

We will be engaging with a wide range of frontline staff who are directly involved in using information and informatics in their work. This includes doctors, nurses, other clinicians and administrative staff across all care settings and staff whose participation and engagement is critical to the success of IT implementation.

We would ask that you come along and give us your honest views and opinions. In return, we promise to listen and take your views into consideration in developing the information and informatics agenda moving forward.

An event is being held in the Banqueting Hall, Newcastle Civic Centre on the 27th February and will run from 10am – 4pm. To book a place, please complete the booking form and email to, or fax to 0113 241 6541. To ensure your place is secured at this important engagement event please book as soon as possible.

Your participation in these important events would be extremely valuable.

Kind regards

Paula Whitty GMC 3100745

Acting Chief Information Officer and Deputy Medical Director


Using information in the NHS

Date: 27 February 2008

Venue: Banqueting Hall, Newcastle Civic Centre, Barras Bridge, NE99 1RD


Registration: 09:30

Start: 10:00

Close: 16:00


Currently the NHS has a great deal of data, but insufficient useful information. Much information is only available to limited numbers of people, often inconsistent with that held elsewhere, and often not readily available at the point of need.

The need for high quality clinical and management information within the NHS in England has never been greater.

  • Having the right information is essential to be able to give safe and effective care to our patients
  • Information is also essential if we are to review our practice and improve it for the future

We will be engaging with a wide range of staff who are directly involved in using information and informatics in their work. This includes doctors, nurses, other clinicians and administrative staff across all care settings and staff whose participation and engagement is critical to the success of IT implementation. For example, lead receptionists, medical record clerks, back office administration staff, ward clerks, and clinical governance leads.

We would ask that you come along and give us your honest views and opinions. In return, we promise to listen and take your views into consideration in developing the information and informatics agenda moving forward.

How to Book

Online: TBC


Fax: +44 (0) 113 241 6541

Post: Events Team, NHS CFH, 1st Floor, Vantage, 40 Aire Street, Leeds, LS1 4HT

Please complete a new form for each delegate. Photocopies are acceptable.

Title (Mr, Mrs etc)

First Name


Email Address (essential)

Job Title


Postal Address



Special Requirements (diet, access etc)

Places cannot be confirmed without all fields being completed in full

NHS CFH hold the information provided by you on this booking form and use it for purposes connected with the administration of the event which you have applied to attend. Your information is held on an Events Management System (' EMS') and you can access your information in a secure environment by visiting: Please note that places are limited for each organisation and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. There is no cost to eligible NHS staff/employees of NHS and contractor organisations attending this event. NHS CFH is unable to cover travel costs and expense

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Hot topics in Thyroidology: 17th March 2008






16:30 hours in Room 222/223

In The

British Heart Foundation
Glasgow Cardiovascular Research Centre
126 University Place

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Management opportunities within the region

Dear Colleague,

I am sure you will be aware of the importance of management in your training. Courses will provide direction but there is nothing like getting practical experience. There are 3 management opportunities in the region at the moment:

1.  A Trainee Representative at a level of year 1-3 is needed on the STC urgently. The STC meets about 3 times a year and trainee representatives are regularly canvassed for opinion. This is a very important position.

2. A Trainee Representative is needed to help Arut with the NEDs CME organisation.

3. Another Associate Editor is needed to help Arut with the ENDODIABOLOGY web site.

All of the above positions are very prestigious and highly thought of if they appear on your CV at interview.

Please let me know which position(s) you will be interested in ASAP. If there are more than one of you interested, then I will be in touch with a question!!



Diabetes & Endo ARCP / RITAs May 2008

Dear Colleague,

I have appended:

1. The finalised timetable for the ARCPs. Please make a note of your date and time for assessment and can I ask trainers to make a note of which panel they will be on. Gillian is trying to winkle out of the JRCPTB who our external assessor will be for the PYAs. If needed I may need to juggle the PYAs, but there is slack in the dates.
<<ARCP 2008 timetable.doc>>
2. Trainee instructions for the ARCP. Those of you due a PYA note the deadline! Furthermore, Gillian goes on maternity leave in Feb hence we will have another contact for the ARCPs.
<<ARCP instructions 2008.doc>>
3. Supporting documentation for the ARCPs.
<<Educational Supervisor Report for ARCP 2007.doc>>
<<SpR Annual Appraisal Record.doc>>

Kindest of regards,

WEDNESDAY 14th MAY 2008-small staff room, Peacock Hall, RVI 

Panel-Dr Shaz Wahid, Gillian Conway, Dr Simon Pearce, Dr Vince Connelly (G(I)M)
0915 Jeevan Mettayil 
1005 Chandima Idampitiya 
1055 Break 
1110 Shafie Kamaruddin 
1200 Balasubramanian Ravikumar (RITA G) 
1250 LUNCH 

Panel-Dr Shaz Wahid, Gillian Conway, Dr Jola Weaver, Dr Vince Connelly (G(I)M) 
1330 Ravisankar Erukulapati  
1420 Sudeep Manohar 
1510 Break 
1520 Arif Ullah 
1610 Asgar Madathil 
THURSDAY 15th MAY 2008-Large staff room, Peacock Hall, RVI 

PYA Panel-Dr Shaz Wahid, Gillian Conway, External-TBC, Dr Simon Eaton 
0945 Beas Bhattacharya (PYA) 
1015 Sukesh Chandran (PYA) 
1045 Arutchelvam Vijayraman (PYA) 
1115 Eelin Lim (PYA)  
1145 Khaled Mansur-Dhukan (PYA) 
1230 LUNCH 

PANEL-Dr Shaz Wahid, Gillian Conway, Dr Nicola Leech, Dr Nick Roper (G(I)M)
1400 Srikanth Mada 
1450 Kathryn Stewart 
1540 Break 
1550 Anjali Santhakumar 
FRIDAY 16 th MAY 2008-Large staff room, Peacock Hall, RVI 
PANEL Shaz Wahid, Gillian Conway, Dr Richard Quinton 
0930 Freda Razvi 
1020 Preethi Rao 
1100 Break

1115 Flexible session (PYA reserve, ARCP reserve, Counselling, outstanding RITA Gs)


Diabetes & Endocrinology ARCP Trainee Instructions 2008

The ARCP panels will be held on Weds 14th, Thurs 15th and Fri 16th May 2008. The format will consist of the trainee attending their allocated time 5-minutes before with all the documentation asked for below. The panel will review all the documentation in 40-minutes whilst the trainee waits outside. Ten-minutes will be spent feeding back the ARCP panel's adjudication to the trainee. For those of you undertaking your PYA on the morning of Thurs 15 th May 2008 it is essential that the documentation detailed below be forwarded to the Deanery office by Friday 9th May 2008, 12pm at the latest. The required documentation for your ARCP is: 

  1. Portfolio (If you have developed one)
  2. Training Log Book (to include any assessments, e.g. MSF, Mini-CEX)
  3. Three copies of an Educational Supervisor Report (appended electronically)
  4. Three copies of an Annual Appraisal Record (appended electronically)
  5. Structured CV (format appended electronically)
  6. 4 mandatory Mini-CEXs (unless you have already had your PYA when they are optional)
  7. A mandatory up to date MSF report (not seen in your last RITA), unless you have already had your PYA
  8. Evidence in your folder/portfolio demonstrating competence in at least 6 Core Diabetes & Endocrinology Topics (not seen at your last RITA). If you are having a PYA you should have evidence of competence in your folder for at least 90% of the core topics
Please note that it is essential any patient identifying details in your log book/portfolio are removed.  Patient and Dr anonymous clinic letters should only be submitted if they demonstrate competence in a particular curricular requirement.  

Failure to adhere to the guidance can result in a RITA D or outcome 5.  It is essential that all the necessary Supervisor Signatures be obtained for the above documentation to count towards your ARCP.   

For those of you due a PYA please hand-deliver the above documentation in an envelope/package labelled: 

For the Attention of:

Gillian Conway, Specialty Programme Coordinator, Diabetes and Endocrinology RITAs/ARCPs  
To the Northern Deanery Office, 10 Framlington Place, Newcastle upon Tyne 

When handing in the documentation to the office print your name, indicate that you are leaving it for your Diabetes & Endo RITA/ARCP on 15th May 2008, the date when left and who it is for in the available register. The receptionist signs to say they have received the documentation.

Shaz Wahid, Training Programme Director




Background Details-Name, Age, Address, E-mail, NTN, GMC number, MDU/MPS number, Expected CCT date

Qualifications - include ALS
Current and previous posts POST MRCP-dates , hospitals and trainers only 
CLINICAL EXPERIENCE FOR EACH SpR/StR POST(maximum of 1000 words IN TOTAL for this section)
Audit and Audit Presentations (maximum of 300 words) 
Teaching Experience (maximum of 300 words)  
Research Experience (maximum of 300 words) 
Management Experience (maximum of 300 words) 
Courses/Conferences Attended (include mandatory CME + number of days) 