Annual Pituitary CPC: now in its tenth year!
Meeting: Tenth National Pituitary Clinico-pathological Conference
Date: Thursday 6th March 2008 (all day).
Venue: Royal College of Physicians, London
Many will be aware of this great event, the annual Pituitary Clinico-pathological Conference - now in its tenth year. It has proved very popular and successful each year, as it gives a unique opportunity to discuss the management of cases of pituitary disease at a national
level and in a multi-disciplinary setting.
Participants come from all specialties involved in the management of pituitary disease, including adult and paediatric endocrinology,
neuroradiology, neurosurgery, neuropathology and radiotherapy. The cases discussed typically represent those situations when the clinical management decisions are not straight-forward. Some cases are interesting because they are unusual, but many cases presented are of the more common forms of pituitary disease, where there are still practical challenges in delivering optimal treatment.
I know that many colleagues really value this opportunity to keep up to date in pituitary disease - recognising that for many clinicians it is a small but important part of clinical practice. The preliminary announcement for the meeting is attached. Now is a good time to mark
the date in your diary, and clear clinical commitments so that you can join us. Why not bring a case to discuss? I'm sure this will be
another very successful pituitary meeting, and look forward to seeing you there.
Best wishes
James Ahlquist PhD FRCP
Consultant Physician and Endocrinologist
Southend Hospital Westcliff on Sea
Essex SS0 0RY
For further information or to register for the meeting:
Tel: 01438 751519
Fax: 01438 751520